Minutes, 15 October 1995 Recorded by Michelle Melendez, mailed to hrsfans by Kevin Martin on 17 October --------------------------------------------------- ****Minutes of the HRSFA meeting on Oct.15th 1995 in Sever 110 @7pm*** "you get quiet when someone has a large instrument of destruction" and the meeting finally comes to order. *** Non Sig Stuff*** Wyld Hunt: Party: ;'shmen ofthe year awarded to Lori Library/Office: stuff that is taking up space that we have no use for will be sold. Library Hours: are starting, watch for the e-mail announcement Fusion: Exists in no form whatsoever. E-mail ccmody@fas if you are interested in contributing. Prefers fiction, but will take otherstuff, funnybits, reviews, random rantings, etc. No Comp! Get published without selling your soul. World Wide Web: Hrsfa is creating a page. Email fringe@cybercom.net with suggestions or stuff to include.(Wyld hunt pictures immortalized). Alumni extortion sig: We have 9 years of alumni to ask for $, Eliot volunteered to write letter to alumni (/infiltrate the organization) telling alumns what we are doing and why we need $. Sig leaders please e-mail report of above stuff to ejmarks@fas. Milk & Cookies: This Friday Oct. 20th, 9pm in Zil's room Lowell E-52, Wear pajamas, bring stories. UC Grant Application: If you have ideas of stuff that we do or could do of general harvard interest (Ex. game-a-thon) that we could ask for UC funding for please e-mail gleeson@fas. Guy Fawkes Day: Sunday Nov. 5th, Cyrus volunteered to continue the tradition. ******SIGS****** MST3K: Meeting Mon. Oct. 16th in the Whittman common room of Cabot House @ 8pm to watch Starfighters (Non Sci-Fi airforce promo). Anime: Will meet Wed. or Thurs this week at 8pm to show _They were 11_ and the short Voltron parody _Hell Bent for Leather_ ('four flaming phallis'). E-mail fringe@cybercom.net BBC: 2 people+ 0 tapes = no meeting Oct 15th. Piracy: Vote passed to use the extra tapes from X-files to copy Blake7. Bring suggestions to meeting or e-mail Kbmartin@fas ****Gaming**** Gaming: Database lost!!! People who want to run things please post description of what you want to run and plea for players to hrsfa-list. Civilization: idea=Ancient Civs competeing against each other. Africa had civil war so now possibly others can win. A 2nd game may be starting, e-mail kbmartin@fas if interested in playing. Nathan world: trudge, trudge, trudge. Battle Tek: Needs more players! E-mail crhall@fas. Live Action Clue: Like the game/movie but with real people, 2 floors of sever hall, secrets to be discovered and murderer on the loose. E-mail fringe@cybercom.net if interested in playing or helping. Dark Sun:AD&D starts next week, Everyone but you is very popwerful, start off with 4 charcters and high mortality rate. ARS Magica: Mundane kills Mage =Obscene luck Comics: smandel@fas is creating a mailing list. Writer's:still searching for location e-mail ajweinst@fas or acwong@fas. Meeting is adjourned, the absence of munchies is mourned, and people stay to watch Babylon 5 on the TV that Kevin brought to the meeting. -michelle- (infernal secretary) ********Quote of the meeting**** 'Let's burn down Sever Hall (again) and rebuild it with pieces of the Lampoon' Next meeting: Sunday Oct 29th 7pm Sever 110 (Halloween theme) Meeting after that: Sunday Nov 12th 7pm Sever 110, etc.